Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged
as an educational computer software where information is presented and student
activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment. Most educational
IT applications are hypermedia and these include tutorial software packages,
knowledge webpages, simulation instructional games, and learning project management
and others.
presentation of information- learning activities in hypermedia is said to be
sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his own
path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and
thinking skills.
There are
three important features that are outstanding that characterize the hypermedia
1. Learner control - the learner makes his own
decisions on the path, flow or events of instruction.
Learner wide range of navigation routes - the
learner controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on his ability and
Variety of media - which includes more than one
media but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation.
Interesting Article. Hoping that you will continue posting an article having a useful information. UCAT Test